Joint degrees are mentioned in articles 1, 3, 29, 30 and 40. No articles are dealing solely with joint degrees within the Recommendation on Criteria and Procedures for the Assessment of Foreign Qualifications. The Recommendation on the Recognition of Joint Degrees deals solely with recognition of qualifications awarded by joint programmes.
- The present Recommendation is adopted within the framework of the Lisbon Recognition Convention and applies to the Parties of this Convention. The principles and practices described in this Recommendation can, however, also equally well be applied to the recognition of qualifications issued in other countries or under transnational education arrangements, to the recognition of joint degrees and to the recognition of qualifications in countries other than those party to the Lisbon Recognition Convention.
- Terms defined in the Lisbon Recognition Convention are used in the same sense in the present Recommendation, and reference is made to the definition of these terms in Section I of the Convention. The provisions pertaining to the competent recognition authorities shall also be applied, mutatis mutandis, to authorities and individuals responsible for the assessment of foreign qualifications and for the provision of information on qualifications and their recognition. Terms that specifically refer to the provision of transnational education are defined in the UNESCO/Council of Europe Code of Good Practice in the provision of Transnational Education. Terms that specifically refer to joint degrees are defined in the Recommendation on the Recognition of Joint Degrees.
- The competent recognition authorities should seek to establish whether the higher education institution belongs to the higher education system of a given country. In the case of qualifications awarded by higher education institutions established through transnational arrangements, the competent recognition authorities should analyse these arrangements on the basis of the principles stipulated in the UNESCO/Council of Europe Code of Good Practice in the Provision of Transnational Education and in the Recommendation on the Recognition of Joint Degrees.
- The competent recognition authorities should seek to establish whether the higher education institution
Belongs to the higher education system of a State party to the Lisbon Recognition Convention and/or
belonging to the European Region. In the case of qualifications awarded by higher education institutions
established through transnational arrangements, the competent recognition authorities should analyse
these arrangements on the basis of the principles stipulated in the UNESCO/Council of Europe Code of
Good Practice in the Provision of Transnational Education and in the Recommendation on the Recognition
of Joint Degrees.
- Competent recognition authorities should be encouraged to focus on the learning outcomes, as well as the
quality of the programme and to consider its duration as merely one indication of the level of
achievement reached at the end of the programme. The assessment process should acknowledge that
recognition of prior learning, credit transfer, different forms of access to higher education, joint degrees
and life-long learning will all shorten the duration of some academic qualifications without diminishing
the learning outcomes and a decision not to grant recognition should not be motivated by duration alone.